Foundation for Rebuilding Childhood

We believe in the power of young people to create and sustain change. At FRC, our goal is to enable this change by supporting community organisations to think innovatively, address intersectional and cross-sectoral issues, and uplift the lives of children and youth.

Social Innovation for FRC

For FRC, Social innovation means reducing social problems that can increase efficiency of both individuals and the community at large. This involves not only challenging systemic issues but also working to address them through active collaboration across non-profits, business and governments. To support social progress, it is important to reduce vulnerability of people, especially those who have been structurally – excluded due to a variety of factors. This requires not only creating ideas for change but also changing mindsets contributing to holistic and sustainable development. FRC believes that when children and young people are encouraged to explore their creative energies with the right kind of support, it catalyzes social transformation for positive change.

Who we work with across India

  • Grassroots organisations working with young children and youth
  • Youth-led organisations and networks
  • All the community-based organisations FRC supports works to address a range of challenges while also creating opportunities in these areas:
    • Youth empowerment, including work on gender equity, climate action, vocational skills and training, digital awareness, and effectively using cyber space
    • Education and life skills; including work around sexual, reproduction, and health rights (SRHR), comprehensive sexual education (CSE), access to equitable education, and access to technology
    • Supporting children and young people with disabilities

If you are an organisation or group with grassroot focus on enabling youth leadership, please write to us at:

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